
(bases (c) indexed colors, yume studio)

Race: human/angel (depending on her current form)
Hair: human form: red, long, with bangs, mostly worn in two braids
angel form: red, with bangs, long (reaching the floor), no braids
Eyes: human form: brown
angel form: white (blind)
Ears: human form: round
angel form: pointed
Wings: only in angel form: big, fluffy and white
Outfit: human form: anything cute, mostly she wears something that looks as though it came right out of the 1950s. (petticoats and stuff, often pink, ribbons and frills)
angel form: white robes that look like fabric draped all over her. golden armor in some places (up to you, but maybe on shoulders, legs and arms), red ribbons
Personality: she's rather innocent and naive, quite talkative and in general a rather cute person with a pure heart. in her angel form, she does have something scary about her.
Relationships: in love with Leonardo
Special Marks: tattoo on her right ankle/leg that looks like the greek letter psi.

Pictures of Sylvie:

one two three four

Commissions and Presents:

by Trinitydoll

by Mimi